martes, 27 de noviembre de 2018

To the love that one day will come:

To the love that one day will come:

To the love that one day will come:

Dawn invites me to travel. My mind

 fly and I look for you ... I wait for you ... I long for you.

When I think of you, I smile, I go back to

a warm afternoon with rain, a rain

finite and soft that mixes between my

 tears and my desire of you.

I close my eyes and I suck deep that

smell of wet earth that penetrates me

invading my senses: it's the aroma

 of your skin and the humidity of your kisses

Amarte changes me, transforms me and

excites It's something so simple and so

significant at the same time, that revolutionizes

 my days, my whole life lacking in

illusions and it just makes me

 in a woman with hopes.


I speak of you with the wind and I ask you

 I brought my whispers and you to your ear


I love you, I wait for you,

I see your

look at the drops of this rain

 that caresses me and slips for me

 body, I hear your laughter in the

crunching of the dry autumn leaves;

 I am here for you, yearning for you

and that just thinking ... I feel you.


I sense you like a puzzle

 impossible, with pieces so

interesting that make you

irresistible to me, increasing

 my desire to arm you to meet you

like an everything.

I hope that you will come


I'm scared and I still wait for you

 because I wish you with all my being

I know that someday we will be together.

 I console myself thinking that the same

breeze caresses us and we share it

in sighs, waiting for the moment of

our meeting ..

I know you feel the same ...

You will come, love ... you will arrive

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